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Forest Road Acquisition Corp, a special purpose acquisition company (or SPAC) backed by the eponymous entertainment finance firm with a Hollywoodheavy roster of advisors has found its target,Forest Road Acquisition, a blank check company formed by Forest Road targeting TMT businesses, filed on Thursday with the SEC to raise up to $250 million in an initial public offering The NewForest Road Acquisition was founded in and plans to list on the NYSE under the symbol FRXU Cantor Fitzgerald is the sole bookrunner on the deal The article The Forest Road Company's SPAC Forest Road Acquisition Corp Ipo Investment Prospectus S 1 Forest road acquisition corp

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コンプリート! first sunrise 101317-First sunrise place in india

However, Cadillac only experiences the first sunrise from October 7 through March 6The pattern First Sunrise reminds me of that moment!Hatsuhinode is the first sunrise of the year It is an important aspect of New Year's celebrations in Japan Not least of all because Japan was created by the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Once upon a time it was believed that a God bringing good luck appeared with the first sunrise The First Sunrise Emanuel Melo Torontonian Azorean Writer First sunrise place in india